But after a while
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies'.... - (Porcupine Tree)
You realize time flies
And the best thing that you can do
Is take whatever comes to you
'Cause time flies'.... - (Porcupine Tree)
Well...sometimes I wonder, how fast time flies. At times, waiting becomes difficult. Then you see that the moment for which you waited for, all day long... just flew away.
Like what happened with us this past week. Still can't believe the weekend is over...and we are 2 days ahead in the new week. Phew!!! how fast time flies. Well, with this comes the realisation that...make the most of whatever you have. Especially time. I believe it all has got to do a lot with the 'Q' factor. Quality Time.
Giving quality to everything you do really matters. Even to something that is for as short as 5 mins! Stands true in relationships. The bonding just gets stronger when you are able to keep your mind and heart completely involved, in whatever you are doing. For me, the best example of Quality Time is...when my husband who has just slept for 3 hours in a day, makes it a point to give 15 minutes of his valuable time to our daughter, just playing with her....throwing the ball at her and watching her laugh heartily.
As children start growing, mothers expect them to share everything. From what happened at school, to time spend with friends...and so on and so forth. But....few are disappointed and shocked to see that their kids refrain from doing what they expect. Why does that happen? In a recent parenting seminar we attended, we learnt and understood that it seems this has got to do a lot with the time the mothers spend with the kids. We as a couple have got many things lined up in life...but our prayer and desire is to give the best moments to our child and not the leftovers.
Finally I believe all has got to do a lot with the 'Quality' of our relationship with God. If we give him 'Quality', we will see quality in our own lives. If we give 'Quality' to our family, we will be witnesses of great miracles not just in this generation, but in the generations to come.
God bless.