the tough ones get going.
His grace is sufficient for me.
The one thing I want from God,
the thing I seek most of all
is the privilege of meditating in his temple…
living in his presence everyday of my life…
delighting in his incomparable perfections and glory.
- a verse from Psalms (Holy Bible)
This is one of the most cherished verses of the Bible…which I still remember…learnt during my Sunday school & VBS days. But as you can see I have forgotten the chapter tho! Anyways it is from the book of Psalms. And the reason I begin my today’s blog post with this is…coz I am remembered of how with each passing day…I was actually forgetting the very essence of something that was so close to my heart.
Our God is an awesome God. His way of doing things are simply incomparable. He is loving, merciful, impartial, forgiving and just. He never keeps an account of our wrong doings. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
There may be some of you, who can relate to what I am writing…or even understand my feelings to the God, the Most High. But nevertheless, I believe each of us have a God shaped vacuum, that only can be filled by his love.
So in short, each of you reading would be able to walk with me as I share my heart out.
I always ran to him when I needed something. But how forgetful I have been most times…when I saw a prayer get answered, and never returned to say a ‘Thank you’. This below video touched my heart so much that each time I watch this little girl, I get tears in my eyes. Each time I hear it, I get goose bumps.
The lyrics of the song this little angel sings...You were born to be loved. And you are receiving that love through your life. The love from God that started from the beginning of your birth.
He loved us even when we were just getting formed in our mother's womb. He loved us at all times. He loves us even when we are least bothered about him.
I was ever ready to point at someone else’s mistake, but when it came to mending my own wrong ways, I had questions. At times, I failed to realize that self-righteousness is my problem. But when I did understand and accept, he was ever-ready to provide a cure. Who are we to keep an account of somebody’s wrongs, when in a day every minute…there are so many things that we do…which causes so much of pain to our heavenly Father. But when he forgives us our wrongs, how can we not forgive someone who has caused us pain.
I so much thank God for my God-send husband, who has always made it a point to stress on this point as far as our family life is concerned…that ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’. That the kingdom of God belongs to the one who takes the first step. And every time we have done something, keeping this in mind, we have witnessed some lovely times. It is gonna be 3 years of our married life this month. And together we are finding a cure to the very areas of our life, that is a danger to us individually, to our family and to and our ministry.
Few years back, I sang this song…I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back. But somewhere in life’s journey, I decided to turn back and look at the world. That is when life’s troubles hit the most and pained the most. Now once again together with my family… I sing….’We have decided to follow Jesus…No turning back. No turning back. The world behind us. The cross before us. No turning back. No turning back’. And it is only with him by our side...in us...within us, that we can pass this journey beautifully. Till he takes us home!
Lots of love & Blessings.