(Photography - Vimal Tandan)
Their hunt is always on.
Little ones fall prey, day by day, to these heinous predators living in the very midst of us.
Every day when I pick up the newspaper to read, my heart goes out to those victims afflicted by such grave pain, which for me is just unimaginable. Every time I keep wondering, if it hurts me so much, how much more will he be hurt who created them. The creator of us all… the creator of these innocent little angels.
But among us, there are a few who aren’t just aware of these predators, but who live a life rescuing the innocent from falling prey to them. One person I respect and look up to is this Indian brave heart, living her life with a purpose.
Sunitha Krishnan – A rock solid woman of today. She has rescued over 3200 girls from Indian brothels, and is supporting them through her organization ‘Prajwala’. This one woman army needs a lot of encouragement, because she truly is touching many lives every day.
On November 6, 2009, the audience at TED India was completely drenched with emotions, as she shared the heart-breaking lives of 3 children - Pranitha, Shaaheen and Anjali.
(What I have written below is as mentioned by Dr. Krishnan)…
Pranitha’s mother was an HIV Infected Prostitute, who when was too ill to work any more, sold her 4 year old little girl to a broker, pushing her into prostitution. Little Pranitha, was raped repeatedly by dozens of men day after day before she was rescued.
The second toddler, Shaheen, was so brutally sexually assaulted after being trafficked that her intestines burst through her abdomen, and had to be surgically re-inserted into her body. She was found in this state on a railway track.
Little Anjali was the daughter of a drunkard father, who sold her for pornography.
Even as I type out these painful incidents in the lives of little children…I am just not able to imagine how someone could do something so evil and heinous, to those who had not even begun living. How does the mind even plan out something so devilish? We all are living in the Predator’s Zone. Where the outrage of anger is so intense, that the mind forgets to connect with the heart. Just leaves no place for emotions.
I look at Pranitha, Shaaheen and Anjali as ALIENS. Aliens because... they seem to me as innocence trapped in a world of filth and rage. Aliens because, they were alienated from the truth of what REAL LIFE is. Aliens because, they were alienated from happiness, family, brotherhood. They were alienated from LOVE. They were just not meant to be here. About the ones who have afflicted this degree of pain on them, I just have to keep reminding myself. “It is his to avenge.” And he will do it at the right time.
Today’s post is dedicated to Dr. Sunitha Krishnan. This is what she has to say about her life…
”I have this deep-rooted belief that my life is a providence by itself, and God has brought me in this world to do what I'm doing, and God will allow me to stay in this world so long as he believes that my mission is not done, and therefore I do believe that the day God believes that my work is done, I'll be killed or I'll die naturally, or whichever way that is possible.” http://www.ted.com/talks/sunitha_krishnan_tedindia.html
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