Even as we are happy and all is well in our lives, let’s take a moment to remember that just a week back, our neighboring nation was hit by a killer quake of 9.0 magnitude, washing away many families and homes.
60 seconds that rattled lives
Did the people of the ‘Land of the rising sun’ realize that this would be the last time they witnessed its rays. Nature had its own plans. With the devastating tsunami hitting Japan, on March 11, 2011. As I was reading the newspaper the other day, my heart was overwhelmed to see the picture of a beautiful 4 month old little girl in her father’s arms, who was just found, unhurt in the rubble, after three days. I believe the one who loved her the most, fed her and watched over her.
Her father was running to safety, hearing that there could be a blast in one of the nuclear reactors very soon. The little baby was a sign of pain and joy at the same time. And a great amount of hope to those looking for their loved ones, in the rescue mission.
Power, fame, riches, money = NIL
Love = surely something
Japan is said to be the 3rd largest producer of nuclear power. What went wrong, in these 60 seconds? Something happened, that just could not be stopped by man.
Even as we decorate our homes, there are many out there trying to search for parts of their houses in the rubble. Even as we eat luxuriously and waste more food, there are many out there waiting for food to reach them. Even as the slightest heat worries our complexion, there are many out there living in the dangerous nuclear radioactive zone.
Isn’t life unpredictable?
Even though it is, we have the chance to make the most of what we have. Thousands of soldiers and rescue members are pressing on in their mission to find survivors, even when more than 3000 people are said to be dead after this tragic incident.
We may have money, fame, power, riches but if we have no love we have nothing. Knowing that none of us have a control over our tomorrow, let’s make the most of this moment to love and spread hope. Just like the 4 month old little angel brought hope to one family, there is a hope that this situation too will be controlled.